ARE, Area residencial estratégica, Pou del Boronat.
The ARE Pou Boronat is located to the north of the current urban area of Tarragona, very close to the Joan XXIII Hospital, between the Francolí River and the Sescelades Campus of the Rovira i Virgili University.
The current section of the N-240 road between the ARE and the Campus could be converted into a civic axis once the new access road to the city, planned to the west of the new settlement, is constructed. Additionally, the current route of the A-7 highway, which could be replaced in the short term by a new one next to the AP-7 motorway. The shape of the site is that of a stepped lookout over the Francolí on the west side and a flatter platform along the N-240.
There are elements of interest in the area: the geographical shape itself, the tree-lined and riverside vegetation along the Rec Major, the modernist building Can Bonet, and the old Pou Boronat facilities, with some small industries or businesses, as well as some single-family homes and a well-known restaurant.
The planning project adopts the shape of the site as a starting point, considering it a positive asset that allows the project to anchor itself to its location and maintain its identity. The main strategy of the project is to seek the infiltration of nature into the new settlement by enhancing the elements of the soil’s vegetative cover and complementing it with new urban trees along the road network, promenades, gardens, or as sound filters in relation to the main roads. The concentration of buildings in the flattest part to the east, in order to free up as much as possible the terraces and gullies to the west, allows the site’s characteristics to be maintained.
Finally, the creation of a flexible building structure is planned on this renewed support that, on the one hand, allows an adequate arrangement of the aggregation units of residential buildings, integrated equally by protected and free housing, and on the other hand, proposes a flexible building regulation, in a temporal process in which different agents must intervene.

  • Fecha: 2009
  • Promotor: INCASOL / Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Equipo redactor: CÀTEDRA D’URBANÍSTICA ETSAV. (UPC) Antonio Font Arellano, Lorena Maristany Jackson, Silvia Mas Artigas, Leticia Gómez Jacobo, Jeroen Van Mieghem, Josep Solé Mateu. Albert Cortina Ramos, advocat David Gubern López, arqte. tècnic, secretari tècnic del Pla Director