House in Argentona

It’s a detached dwelling. In order to receive the maximum sun, the building is placed on the flattest part of the plot facing the south and standing parallel to the contour lines. Between the upper part of the land, where the street access is, and the place where the house is placed there is a 5 meters slope.  The access to the house is solved with three flight of stairs from the street to reach the building. The vehicle parking is located at street level, creating a parking platform. The free space of the plot is terraced on four platforms: the first one is the parking, the second one is a garden and vegetable patch, the third one is where the house and the pool are placed and fourth one is the part of the garden which leads to the forest. Some of the existing rocks are preserved to delimit part of the garden. In the rest of the free space, attempts have been made to preserve the existing state of undergrowth.

  • Date: 2020
  • Promoter: private
  • Collaborators: Marc Permanyer, technical architect. Jordi Coll, structure.
  • Photos: Álvaro Alcázar