Map of Urban Dynamics and Territorial Transformations
The MDUTT is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that collects the urban and territorial transformations of the RMB in an aggregated way, by counties or by municipalities. The MDUTT is based on the thematic and chronological vector mapping of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB), Usos i Formes de la Edification (UIF), which allows us to identify and locate urban growths (residential, industrial, tertiary, equipment, technical services, etc.) in terms of land use and building; urban transformations within urban fabrics; the uses and activities on rural land and the construction of mobility infrastructures.

  • Date: 1998-2012.
  • Team: Equip de Recerca de la Càtedra de Urbanística (ETSAV/UPC), Sílvia Mas, Lorena Maristany i Antonio Font / AMB.
  • Collaborators: Eduardo Emparanza, Marisa Marsal, Pilar Sarabia, Núria Garcia, Matilde Jiménez, Estíbaliz Ayestuy, Martina Soler, Marisol Giménez, Alan Latre y Víctor Díaz.