Modificació Puntual del Pla General Metropolità en la zona nord de contacte entre el Parc Natural de Collserola i la trama urbana a Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
The main objectives of the project are the rezoning / reclassifying of 15 hectares of developable land that are in the Collserola Natural Park into undeveloped land and the management of three urban zones. All of them are in the boundary between the Collserola Park and Sant Feliu de Llobregat town. For that reason, it’s important to take in account paths, streams and rural houses in order to keep the connexions between the park and the town. For the Sanson cement factory, it is planned its conversion into Leisure and Economic Activity Park, a land use more integrated with its environment. For the industrial sector placed in the lower part of the Torrent del Duc, the extension of existing industrial uses is proposed, limiting its development potential building to that which has a place considering the topographical and environmental features. Green spaces must be placed in Can Miano stream, ensuring its ecological functionality.
Finally, the sector called Sanson road. This area was scheduled for the period 1988 and1992 but it’s still pending implementation, although there are building and activities.

  • Promoter: Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
  • Date: 2016 / Avance de Plan.
  • Team: Equip de recerca de la Càtedra de Urbanística (ETSAV/UPC), Sílvia Mas, Lorena Maristany i Antonio Font / Albert Cortina, Advocat / Anna Zahonero, Biòloga.