Plan Especial Urbanístico (PEU) de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (zal) del puerto de Tarragona.
The main objectives of the Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) Project of the Port of Tarragona are the landscape integration in such a fragile ecosystem as the coastal system through the creation of a park on its southwestern boundary; the connection with mobility infrastructures in the most efficient way possible, with the railway line entering the interior of the ZAL; and flexibility in the planning to accommodate agents with different demands in terms of surface area, both for plots and buildings, through two strategies: on one hand, binding elements (roads, alignments, heights, and uses) and non-binding elements (maximum regulating perimeters and profiles) and, on the other hand, the possibility of aggregating minimum plot units to form a superblock.

  • Fecha: 200-6-2019
  • Promotor: Autoridad Portuaria de Tarragona / ATP
  • Drafting Team: Research Team, Chair of Urban Planning (ETSAV/UPC), Antonio Font, Lorena Maristany, Sílvia Mas, Josep Solé, Jeroen Van Mieghem, architects / Joan Borràs and Jordi Hernández, civil engineers.